Friday, August 10, 2012

How to Get to Raja Ampat Islands, Papua?

Raja Ampat map
Raja Ampat is an exotic destination in Papua, Indonesia. These islands have a very special natural beauty. Travelers who interested to visiting Raja Ampat can be started from Jakarta or other big cities to the airport Domine Eduard Osok, Sorong, West Papua. Flight from Jakarta to Sorong usually transit at Makassar or Manado. From Domine Eduard Osok Airport at Sorong, travelers can get to the Raja Ampat using marine transport.

Waisai is the capital of Raja Ampat. Waisai is Located on Waigeo island. The city is considered as the gateway to Raja Ampat. Ships from Sorong also has routes to most of Waisai daipada other islands in the Raja Ampat.

To go to Waisai, there are two alternative marine transport. First, the ferry from the Port of Sorong. For using ferry, the cost is 200.000 rupiah. Second, you can rent a speed boat with a capacity of 10-30 people from the Port of Mina Enterprises at a cost of about 5 million rupiah or more for round trip. If the waves calm, Sorong-Waisai trips can be taken about 1.5-2 hours.

Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat is a paradise for divers and snorkeling. Raja Ampat has approximately 600 kind of coral reefs, it's 75% of all known coral species in the world. At Raja Ampat visitors can do diving, snorkeling and trekking. For trekking and hunting photos, views of the coral island is an amazing sight.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Diving spots at Kakaban island

Kakaban Island located in Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan Province of Indonesia. The marine around Kakaban Island known as marine parks. On this island there is a wide variety of marine life such as squid, lobster, ghostpipe fish, octopus, nudibranchs, seahorses, ribbon eels and scorpion fishes. On the rocks at a depth of ten meters, there are coral known as "Blue Trigger Wall", on the reef with a length of 18 meters there are plenty of red-toothed trigger fishes. However, not only for diving, visitor can also enjoy the beautiful marine park by snorkeling in the waters of the outer side of the Kakaban island. There are several diving points in Kakaban island, for example Barracuda Point, Blue Light Cave, The Drift, Cabbage Patch, Diver's Delight, The Plateau, The North Face, The Wall and Rainbow Run.

diving spots at kakaban island
Diving spots at Kakaban island

Barracuda Point is a steep wall, where the current brings large pelagics like whitetip barracuda, sharks, leopard sharks, snapper, jack and tuna. Drift diving can be done with the help of a grab line permanently secured at 24 metres (79 ft) across a relatively flat area on the upcurrent side of the point.