Sunday, July 8, 2012

Diving at Taka Bonerate National Park, the Biggest Atoll in Indonesia

Taka Bonerate National Park is located in the Taka Bonerate District, Selayar regency, South Sulawesi Province in Indonesia. There are 15 islands in Taka Bonerate National Park where visitors can enjoy diving, snorkeling and marine tours. To commemorate the anniversary of Islands Selayar every year the festival was held, entitled Sail Taka Bonerate or previously called Takabonerate Island Expedition (TIE).

Takabonerate national park

Taka Bonerate meaning "coral islands over sand" is the biggest atoll in Indonesia. It is third biggest atoll in the world after Kwajifein in the Marshall islands and Suvadiva in the Moldiva islands. The total area of the atoll is about 220,000 hectares with coral reefs spreading over 500 km².

Topography of the area is very unique and interesting. The atoll is composed of a chain of islands of dry coral and a large flat sunken reef, forming a large number of islands. The coral islands are interspersed by narrow, deep, sheer-walled straits. While on the surface of the reef there are many small pools are surrounded by coral reefs, where at low tide would seem like a dry land punctuated by puddles that formed small pools. On the outside of the atoll, surrounded by dark blue water which is deep enough waters (over 1,500 meters).

The atoll is of major ecological importance, with rich marine and bird life. The national park is considered to contain some of the world's highest marine biodiversity. There are about 295 species of coral fish like grouper (Epinephelus spp.), skipjack (Katsuwonus spp.), napoleon wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus), and surgeonfish (Acanthurus sp.). There are also 244 species of mollusc are the top shell (Trochus niloticus), horned helmet (Cassis cornuta), trumpet triton (Charonia tritonis), green shell (Turbo marmoratus), fluted giant clam (Tridacna squamosa), and pearly-chambered nautili (Nautilus pompillius). The types of turtles are listed including the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), Pacific ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), and green turtle (Chelonia mydas). Among the more than 261 identified species of coral are Pocillopora eydouxi, Montipora danae, Acropora palifera, Porites cylindrica, Pavona clavus, Fungia concinna, etc. Most of the corals have formed either atolls (barrier reefs) or fringing reefs. Everything is beautiful coral reefs and relatively intact.

The best season to visit the Park is on April to June and October to December each year. Visitors can enjoy various adventure and underwater activity like snorkeling, diving, boating, canoeing, sailing, water skiing, cruising, jet skiing, fishing, and swimming.

How to get to the Park?

The Park can be reached by bus from Makassar to Bulukumba (153 Km) and takes about 5 hours, then to the Pamatata Port of Selayar Islands District crossing by ferry about 2 hours, which continued into the Benteng city of about 1,5 hours. By using air services transportation can be directly from Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport at Makassar to H. Aroeppala Airport at Selayar Islands. From Benteng city to the nearest town that is Rajuni using wooden ship about 5 hours.

For detail information, please read this article How to get to Taka Bonerate National Park?

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