Tuesday, July 10, 2012

South Bukit Barisan National Park, Exploring the Tropical Rainforest of Sumatra

South Bukit Barisan National Park is a national park aimed at protecting the biodiversity and the natural wealth in tropical rainforests of Sumatra island. South Bukit Barisan declared a Wildlife Sanctuary in 1935 and became a National Park in 1982. UNESCO made the South Bukit Barisan National Park as a World Heritage. At first the size of the park is 356,800 hectares, but the area of the park at this time is calculated by using GIS for approximately 324,000 hectares.

Bukit barisan
Bukit Barisan

It is located at the tip of the southwestern region of Sumatra. Seventy percent of the park (249,552 hectares) is included in the administrative areas of West Lampung and Tanggamus region, where both are part of Lampung province. The other part of the park covers 74,822 hectares are in the area of Kaur which is in the province of Bengkulu.

Among the plant species that can be found in the Park are Rafflesia Arnorldi, pidada (Sonneratia sp.), Casuarina Equisetifolia, Nypa Fruticans, Pandanus sp., meranti (Shorea sp.), Anisoptera Curtisii, Michelia Champaka, ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), rattan (Calamus sp.), Dipterocarpus sp., and damar (Agathis sp.). Characteristic of the Park are tall carrion flower (Amorphophallus decus-silvae), which can reach a height of more than 2 metres, giant carrion flower (A. titanum), and giant orchid / sugarcane (Grammatophylum speciosum). The park has some lowland forests in Sumatra's last protected. Very rich in biodiversity and it is home to three species of the most endangered large mammal in the world: Sumatran elephant (less than 2000 survived current), Sumatran rhino (total global population: 300 individuals and drastically diminishing in number) and the Sumatran tiger (the entire global population of around 400 individuals).

South Bukit Barisan National Park included in the Global 200 Ecoregions, namely ranking terrestrial habitats, freshwater and sea on earth the most striking from the biological point of view created by the WWF. The park is highlighted as a priority area for Sumatran rhino conservation through the Asian Rhino and Elephant Action Strategy (AREAS) of the WWF. In addition, IUCN, WCS and WWF have identified the park as a Tiger Conservation Unit, which is the most important forest areas for tiger conservation in the world. Finally, in 2002, UNESCO has chosen this area to be proposed as a World Heritage Cluster and Mountainous Areas together with Mount Leuser National Park and the Kerinci Seblat.

Tourist attraction that can be done in the park are exploring the forest, marine tours, swimming, boating, observing plants (rafflesia, carrion flower), observing animal (Sumatran rhinoceros and elephant), camping, and kayaking/canoeing. The best time to visit the park is on January to August.

How to get to the South Bukit Barisan National Park?

map of south bukit barisan
Map of South Bukit Barisan

There are several route to reach the park. Teluk Betung - Tanjung Karang - Kota Agung - Tampang by motor boat takes about 6 hours. Kota Agung - Banjarnegoro - Sukaraja Atas/Suwoh, takes about 4 hours by bus. Kota Agung - Kubu Perahu, about 7 hours by car.

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